Tag Archives: 3dprinting


Feather HUZZAH Temperature Monitor

I recently visited the cabin, and it was cold. Like, excessively cold. Like, 37 degrees, which is perilously close to pipes-freezing cold. The thermostat shouldn’t allow that to happen. I hadn’t been there for more than a month, so I don’t know how long there had been a problem, but clearly, the thermostat or furnace wasn’t working. I went into the crawlspace under the house, pulled some panels off the furnace, and did a bit of troubleshooting on my own. Then I did a bit of troubleshooting with an HVAC guy on the phone. Eventually, we determined that something was, indeed, broken. The HVAC guy came out, replaced the controller board on the furnace, and I had heat again.

At the office, I build and maintain complicated software systems. Any sufficiently complicated system is going to have unpredictable failure modes. I accept that I can’t avoid all possible failure modes, but once I recognize a critical failure class, I build monitors to alert me to any failure in that class. It’s what I do in software, so it makes sense to do it in hardware as well. I don’t know all the failure modes of the heating system in the cabin, but failure of the heating system is certainly a failure class that could have very bad (as in, expensive) consequences.

I recently became aware of Adafruit’s new Arduino-compatible line of development boards, Feather. The Feather HUZZAH, is particularly interesting, as it has built-in WiFi (based on the ESP8266 chipset), and costs only $16. With a Feather HUZZAH and a temperature sensor, like the MPC9808 I2C breakout, I could put together an inexpensive monitor. I happened to have a spare, small I2C OLED display that I could add to the mix for a bit of feedback.


The code to initialize and control the temperature sensor and OLED is short and easy. The loop() portion of the sketch reads the temperature, puts it on the display, and if 15 minutes have passed since the last time data was sent to the server, send the temperature to the server and reset timer variable. Finally, shut down the temp sensor and sleep for two seconds. It looks like this:

void loop() {
  float f = tempsensor.readTempF();

  display.print(f, 1);

  if (millis() - send_timer >= 1000 * 60 * 15) {
    WiFiClient client;
    if (!client.connect(host, httpPort)) {
      Serial.println("connection failed");
    else {
      client.print(String("GET ") + url +
        "?code=" + mac + "&tval=" + f + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
        "Host: " + host + "\r\n" + 
        "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
      send_timer = millis();


The only problem I had was that when I tried uploading the sketch to the HUZZAH, I got the error,

warning: espcomm_sync failed
error: espcomm_open failed

A bit of research indicated that to upload a sketch, I’d need to connect Pin 0 to ground and reset the unit (either by power cycling it, or by hitting the reset button).

Pin 0 to Ground

With Pin 0 held to ground, the sketch uploaded. After connecting the temp sensor and OLED, the device seemed to measure the temperature accurately. I took some dimension measurements, and designed an enclosure in TinkerCAD. By the time I had soldered the connections, the two pieces of the enclosure had finished printing.


The last component for this project is a server-side piece that could record the temperature. In the simplest case, I could set up a page that listens for incoming data, and sends me an email or text message when a temperature is posted below some threshold. But I wanted also to be able to see trends over time. So I needed to store readings in a database. Since I might want to have multiple temperature monitors running in several locations, I need to record a source with each temperature reading. To normalize the database, I split the source and measurement into two tables, like this:

mysql> describe sources;
| Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id    | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| code  | varchar(64) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |                |
| name  | varchar(64) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> describe temps;
| Field       | Type         | Null | Key | Default           | Extra                       |
| id          | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL              | auto_increment              |
| source_id   | int(11)      | NO   | MUL | NULL              |                             |
| measured_at | timestamp    | NO   |     | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
| temperature | decimal(4,1) | NO   |     | NULL              |                             |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

After I had recorded temperature measurements for several days, I had enough data to start putting something on a graph. Rather than building a graphing mechanism from scratch, I repurposed some D3 code that I had written for my UltraSignup Visualizer (which was, at least in part, repurposed from my MMT Graph project). The D3 code pulls data (as JSON) from a PHP script that retrieves temperature measurements and timestamps from some specified source. It then draws the graph, and adds the (slightly smoothed) measurements.

// Smooth temperature readings over avglen measurements
var temperatures = [];
var cur_temp = 0;
var avglen = 8;
var i = 0;
// Seed the running average
while (i < (avglen - 1) && i < results.length) {
  cur_temp += (1.0 * results[i].t);
// Populate the running average (cur_temp) as a FIFO list of avglen length
while (i < results.length) {
  cur_temp += (1.0 * results[i].t);
  temperatures[temperatures.length] = {x: results[i].d, y: (cur_temp / avglen)};
  cur_temp -= (1.0 * results[i - avglen].t);

// Create the SVG line function
var line = d3.svg.line()
   .x(function(d, i) { return xScale(new Date(d.x)); })
   .y(function(d) { return yScale(d.y); });

// Add the data to the graph using the line function defined above
   .attr("d", line(temperatures))
   .attr('class', 'rank_line')
   .style("fill", "transparent")
   .style("stroke", "rgba(71, 153, 31,.8)")
   .style("stroke-width", 1.25);

Temperature Graph

Now that everything works, I’d like to make a few more of these devices. The main costs are $15.95 for the Feather HUZZAH, $4.95 for the temperature sensor, $17.50 for the OLED display, a few dollars for a micro-USB cable and power supply, and some cents for a few inches of wire and a few grams of PLA (for the 3D printed enclosure). For the cost of the device, the display is disproportionately expensive. Once the device is running, the purpose is to record temperature remotely. If I replace the OLED with a single NeoPixel (which’ll run about $1) that flashes some color code to indicate status, I don’t get the onboard temperature readout, but I DO get the entire device for around $23 (plus the micro-USB cable and power supply). So the next iteration will replace the OLED with a NeoPixel. Stay tuned.


Jeep Computer Update

A year and a half ago, I wrote about a spanky little computer I built for my Jeep. It had been working like a boss for a little more than a year before it started to malfunction. Whereas it used to acquire a GPS fix almost instantly, it started to take several minutes to find the satellites. And the “trip timer” function (which measured trip time and average speed) no longer worked correctly. Every time the car was powered on, the clock was reset to 7:59pm or 6:59pm (depending on daylight savings status). After getting a GPS fix, the time would correct itself, but as far as the computer was concerned, the trip started at the pre-fix time, often adding several hours to the actual trip time.

My first suspicion was that the external antenna had gone bad. It’s encased in black plastic, and it sits on top of the dashboard. I imagined that the hot, summer sun baked it somehow, so the computer could only use its internal antenna, tucked (with the rest of the main processing unit) tightly under the dashboard. I ordered a new antenna, and started designing a small, protective case that I could print in white PLA, so the antenna would have some protection from direct sunlight. I decided that it would also make sense to replace the black enclosure that I had printed for the display with a white enclosure, and put a back on it for additional protection from the sun. When I pulled the display out of the car, I realized that the heat had taken a toll. The black enclosure had melted, and was drooping around the display.

Enclosure Before

Before: The enclosure was nice and square when it was first installed.

Enclosure After

After: A year and a half in the sun took its toll.

I literally had to cut away the enclosure to get the display out of it, as the PLA had so tightly molded itself around the back circuit board. Fortunately, I now have my own 3D printer, so I could use the same STL file to print a new copy of the enclosure, and design a cap to provide some shade for the back side of the display circuit board.

Finally, the main processing unit — the Arduino with the GPS shield, and all the assorted connections — was shoehorned into an awkwardly shaped, generic enclosure that I had purchased at Radio Shack [moment of silence, please]. So that was due for a new, custom enclosure. I made a pretty simple box, with some cutouts for the power and USB connectors, and holes where I could mount the GPS antenna connector and temperature sensor plug.

New Enclosure

After putting all of that together, the new antenna I had ordered arrived. I tried it out… And it made no difference. So on to the next step of troubleshooting. I remembered that the GPS shield had a built-in real time clock (RTC). That would have been the module responsible for maintaining the time when the device was powered off. I assumed also that keeping accurate time between power cycles would allow the GPS to establish a faster fix on the satellites. I pulled out the RTC battery (which was a CR1220 form factor). My multimeter happens to be dead now (due to a blown fuse) so I couldn’t test it. Fortunately, batteries are cheap. I got a new battery, and now the time is correct upon powering up, and the unit gets a fix within a few seconds. In the interim, I did make a minor tweak to the Arduino code. Previously, I depended on the unit maintaining the correct time between power cycles, so I started the trip calculation (time and average speed) immediately. Now, I wait until the GPS has a fix to start the calculations. In the normal case, the fix only takes a few seconds. However, the next time the battery dies, it will still affect the time it takes to find the satellites, but it will no longer cause the trip calculations to be totally erroneous.



3D Printing and Custom Enclosures

I finally got around to finishing my Jeep computer project. I had gotten the Arduino and display working, and I had wired everything together. However, as of my previous post about the project, neither the display nor the Arduino were in enclosures, and the cabin of the Jeep was festooned with wires.

The first step in cleaning up the mess was to purchase an inexpensive, generic, plastic, rectangular enclosure from Radio Shack. I drilled some holes to mount the connections for the Arduino/GPS unit. I put it together and tucked it behind the dash, nice and neat. So most of the wires were gone. The only remaining messy part was the display. I still had the bare display nestled e’er so gently in a knit cap that I’d leave on top of the dash as a pillow for my electronics. I wanted an enclosure that would fit snugly around the display, and that I could mount on the dashboard.

At some point along the way, I learned that the Washington DC public library system has a 3D printing service. For a minimal cost, they would make a print of an object. Fantastic! I just needed to figure out how to create a model. I learned that I was going to need to use a CAD program to create an .stl (STereoLithography) file, which seems to be one of the primary file formats in the 3D printing world.

Of course, I didn’t want to spend thousands of dollars on a CAD program that would take years to learn. Fortunately, there are free, easy-to-learn options, such as SketchUp or TinkerCAD. SketchUp is a native program that runs on Macs and Windows computers. While I have a couple of Macs, and I run various versions of Windows in virtual machines for testing purposes, at home, my primary computer is Linux. TinkerCAD is a very simple, web-based CAD program that works well in any modern browser.

After a basic exploration of TinkerCAD, I was ready to go about designing the custom enclosure for my display. The display is a 2.8″ TFT LCD Touchscreen Breakout from Adafruit. I spent some time searching for specs that list the dimensions, but no such specs were to be found. So I pulled a tape measure out of my knitting kit, and built the CAD model as I measured the dimensions.

TinkerCAD and the Display

My first attempt included a back plane. Having no experience with 3D printing, I didn’t realize that in order to support the back plane during the printing process, the printer would have to lay down a grillwork of plastic that I would have to remove after the fact.

3D Grillwork

I attempted to remove the grillwork, but the plastic is surprisingly sturdy. (In fact, I was originally worried that the 2mm walls of my model would be flimsy, but it ended up being rock solid… Err, in a plastic sort of way.) So I removed the back in the CAD file, and resubmitted. I got back an enclosure that fits the display perfectly.





I considered adding grooves to the enclosure so I could print a separate back plane that could be attached and detached. In the end, I went with simplicity, and I just used a bit of Gorilla Tape for the back. I’ve mounted it on the dashboard (again, with Gorilla Tape until I settle on a more permanent solution), and it satisfies all of my greatest hopes and desires (with respect to a 3D printed enclosure anyway).

